Калиновська, Оксана2018-11-022018-11-022018Калиновська О. В. Метафора в українському радянському дискурсі 70-х років ХХ століття / Оксана Калиновська // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Мовознавство. - 2018. - Т. 1. - С. 88-93.2616-8502https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14595https://doi.org/10.18523/2616-8502.2018.88-93Статтю присвячено особливостям метафоричних значень та їх функціонуванню в українському радянському дискурсі 70-х років ХХ століття. Методом метафоричного моделювання визначено основні типи метафор зазначеного періоду, розглянуто їхній суміжний та узгоджувальний характер. Стверджується думка про єдиний метафоричний простір радянського дискурсу, що закріплював спосіб пізнання та осмислення дійсності в межах зазначених метафоричних моделей.Background. Study of the semantic and functional peculiarities of metaphor in the texts of social and political communication, which feature is that they contain an effective meaning, capable of generating and consolidating the stereotypes of mass consciousness, instilling precise assessments and instructions to the addressees, forming the corresponding type of social behavior, is still relevant in the linguistic science. This paper provides the study of the semantics and functions of metaphorical compounds in the political discourse of the Soviet era, the main feature of which is their standardization and strict regulation of language means. Therefore, it is important to study the peculiarities of metaphorical semantics in terms of ritual-symbolic communication. The texts of party documents of the 1970s of the 20th century and texts of leading articles of the newspaper “Radyanska Ukrayina” (Soviet Ukraine), the main press organ of the Communist Party of Soviet Ukraine, are the source of the analysis. Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to generalize metaphorical meanings and to determine their functions in the Ukrainian Soviet discourse of the 70th of 20 century. Methods. Research methods are descriptive, conceptual, structural-semantic analysis, partly component analysis, and discourse analysis. The cognitive theory of a metaphor of J. Lacoff and M. Johnson, supplemented by the semantic-cognitive theory of a conceptual metaphor of O. M. Baranov and Yu. M. Karaulov, is the theoretical basis of our study. Results. According to our material, the reference zone for the formation of metaphorical meanings is narrowed down in the semantics of the Ukrainian Soviet discourse and is represented by the concepts common to human consciousness. The main metaphorical meanings are personalization, family, collectivity, struggle, strength, nature, movement, construction, sports. All of them are frequency sensitive and are diffuse in nature. The sameness of semantics and the use of metaphorical models transform them into the sign-ritual constructions, reflecting the basic myths of Soviet discourse. Discussion. In the long run, comprehensive study of a conceptual metaphor, dynamics of its use in Soviet discourse will be effective and important. It will favor a more complete and coherent interpretation of cognitive and semantic features of Soviet discourse.ukметафораметафорична модельметафорикаконцептуальна метафораукраїнський радянський дискурсстаттяmetaphormetaphoric modelconceptual metaphorsemanticsSoviet discourseМетафора в українському радянському дискурсі 70-х років ХХ століттяMetaphor in Ukrainian Soviet political discourse in the 70s of the 20th centuryArticle