Лихолат, Ірина2018-01-272018-01-272017Лихолат І. П. Принцип верховенства права в дихотомії належного та сущого: у пошуках розуміння / Лихолат І. П. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Юридичні науки. - 2017. - Т. 200. - С. 10-15.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12560Статтю присвячено дослідженню складності розуміння принципу верховенства права та відсут- ності його універсальної дефініції. Висунуто припущення, що причини цього криються у складності розуміння та визначення самого права. Запропоновано шлях подальшого дослідження принципу верхо- венства права з погляду його онтологічної структури, а саме, дихотомії належного та сущого. Нада- но визначення належного та сущого принципу верховенства права.This article covers the complexities in understanding the principle of the rule of law and the lack of its universal definition. Assumption as to the reasons for that is offered, as well as suggestions on the further research solution for the principle of the rule of law from the point of view of its oncologic structure are made. It is concluded that complexities in understanding the principle of the rule of law and the lack of its definition are based on complexities in understanding and the lack of definition of the law itself. Therefore striving to understand and define the principle of the rule of law means going back to the deep foundational aspects of the law and its ontological structure. In this research, the ontological structure of the law is presented in dichotomies of the due and the existent. The principle of the rule of law is defined as an ideal model of public order, being a live model of public peace. Additionally, the principle of the rule of law is presented in dichotomies of due and existent. The rule of law is defined as a priority of the legal methods of the public relation regulations over illegal methods, a priority of law in relation to others forms of social regulation concerning those spheres of public life that are regulated by several social regulators at the same time. The principle of the rule of law аs existent is expressed in specific ingredients which have a normative definition, corresponding norms, legal institutes, decisions of bodies, which apply the Law. The definition is given of the due and the existent in the law, te due and the existent of the principle of the rule of law.ukправоверховенство правапринципналежнесущеrule of lawexistentПринцип верховенства права в дихотомії належного та сущого: у пошуках розумінняThe Principle of the Rule of Law in Dichotomy of Due And the Existent: in Search for UnderstandingArticle