Koliushko, Ihor2012-06-082012-06-082005Legal Reforms in Ukraine : Materials of the Centre for Political and Legal Reforms / ed. Ihor Koliushko. - K. : Centre for Political and Legal Reforms, 2005. - 270 p.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1561This is a study of the constitutional, administrative and judical reforms in Ukraine prepared by the Centre for Political and Legal Reforms. The ed also contains conceptual materials and reform legislation developed by the Centre.Дослідження конституційної, адміністративної та судової реформи в Україні, яке підготував Центр політико-правових реформ.ukconstitutional reformsadministrative reformsjudical reformsLegal Reforms in Ukraine: Materials of the Centre for Political and Legal ReformsBook