Rewakowicz, Maria2018-12-242018-12-242018Rewakowicz M. G. Bohdan Boichuk's Childhood Reveries: A Migrant's Nostalgia, or, Documenting Pain in Poetry / Maria G. Rewakowicz // Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal. - 2018. - No. 5 : Cross-Cultural Connections and Displacement in Ukraine and Beyond. - P. 133-142.2313-4895 paper examines Bohdan Boichuk’s poetry by looking into the role his childhood memories played in forming his poetic imagination. Displaced by World War II, the poet displays a unique capacity to transcend his traumatic experiences by engaging in creative writing. Eyewitnessing war atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis does not destroy his belief in the healing power of poetry; on the contrary, it makes him appreciate poetry as the only existentially worthy enterprise. Invoking Gaston Bachelard’s classic work The Poetics of Reveries: Childhood, Language, and the Cosmos, I argue that Boichuk’s vivid childhood memories, however painful they might be, helped him poetically recreate and reimagine fateful moments of his migrant life.enwar and poetrychildhood memoriesmigrant displacementBohdan BoichukGaston BachelardarticleBohdan Boichuk's Childhood Reveries: A Migrant's Nostalgia, or, Documenting Pain in PoetryArticle