Orlovska, OleksandraSlaviuk, Nataliia2024-10-162024-10-162023Orlovska O. Modeling and analysis of financial dollarization phenomena / [Orlovska Oleksandra, Slaviuk Nataliia] // Financial Policy of Ukraine for the Maintenance of Macroeconomic Stability : the collective monograph / [Lukianenko I., Galytska E., Primierova O. et al. ; general editor Lukianenko I.] ; National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. - Kyiv : Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2023. - Chapter 4.3. - Р. 152-176.978-966-518-849-0https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31873Financial dollarization, or the use of foreign currency for deposits and loans, is a significant issue for many economies, as it can lead to increased volatility and risks to financial stability. To better understand and analyze the drivers and consequences of dollarization, econometric models are often used. These models offer a systematic approach to understanding the drivers and consequences of dollarization by quantifying the relationships between various economic variables. Econometric models can simulate different scenarios to evaluate the effectiveness of potential policy interventions aimed at reducing dollarization levels, such as changes in monetary policy or regulatory adjustments. So, by leveraging such econometric models, policymakers, researchers, and financial analysts can gain deeper insights into the phenomenon of dollarization, devise strategies to manage its effects, and make informed decisions to enhance economic stability and performance.enfinancial dollarizationforeign currencyeconometric modelseconometricssystem of simultaneous equationslinear regressionsfinancial stabilitymonograph sectionModeling and analysis of financial dollarization phenomenaBook chapter