Shahuri, M.2015-10-232015-10-232015Шагурі, Марія Сергіївна. Насильство та механізми його заміщення в стародавніх Афінах / Шагурі М. С. // Магістеріум. - 2015. - Вип. 59 : Культурологія. - С. 43-47. article is dedicated to the problem of violence in the culture of Ancient Greece: interpretation of violence, ways of its understanding, and transformation it has gone through. We follow the development of the attitudes of Greeks towards violence and we research the way the image of violence evolved in religion, warfare, and laws. We locate these phenomena in two fields, which supplement each other – theological and judicial. We also research the ways of substitution of violence in Ancient Greek polises.enviolenceAthens V cent. BCantiquityancient Greeceethos of revengecity-statelawreligious beliefsagonsacrificeViolence and the ways of its substitution in ancient athensArticle