Шумік, І.Голубєва, Марія2018-01-102018-01-102017Шумік І. В. Психологічні умови формування свідомого вибору життєвого шляху старшокласниками/старшокласницями / Шумік І. В., Голубєва М. О. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Педагогічні, психологічні науки та соціальна робота. - 2017. - Т. 199. - С. 74-78.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12398Статтю присвячено визначенню та класифікації психологічних умов, за яких учні/учениці старших класів зможуть сформувати свідомий вибір свого життєвого шляху.This article examines and classifies the psychological conditions due to which pupils of the high school can make a conscious choice of their life path. We made our own classification of psychological conditions of the formation of a conscious choice of life path by the pupils of high school and made our own methodology for studying the correlation of psychological conditions and the level of formation of a conscious choice of the life path. On their basis, it was advisable to create practical recommendations for teachers, social workers, or social educators, school psychologists, and people involved in the educational process of general education schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums. We can note that pupils of high school are in the age of early adolescence, in which they are self-determined in all spheres of life, that is, they make a choice of their way of life. The fact that this choice is conscious, that is, with fully aware goals and methods of their implementation, is influenced by a list of external and internal psychological conditions, that is, those specific circumstances that make the formation of conscious choice possible. There is a direct correlation between psychological conditions and the conscious choice of life path by pupils. Positive psychological conditions that contribute to the formation of the conscious choice of the life path are good relationships with parents, teachers and friends, a good financial position of the family, lack of influence on the personality of mass media, the Internet and social networks, lack of an example for imitation among well-known people and characters, adequate self-esteem, internal locus of control, psychological age which corresponds to the chronological one, and a high level of realization of ideas. For all school staff to contribute to the formation of a conscious choice of the life path for high school pupils, older people should minimize the impact on students of the media, the Internet and social networks, to develop students’ ability to think critically, to be realistic about their own abilities and self-confidence.ukпсихологічні умовисвідомий вибіржиттєвий шляхвікові особливості старшокласниківзовнішні та внутрішні психологічні умови свідомого вибору життєвого шляху старшокласниками/старшокласницямистаттяpsychological conditionsconscious choicelife wayage features of senior pupilsexternal and internal psychological conditions of conscious choice of life way of senior pupilsПсихологічні умови формування свідомого вибору життєвого шляху старшокласниками/старшокласницямиPsychological Conditions of Forming the Conscious Choice of the Life Way of High School PupulsArticle