Nigmatullin, RinatKonovalova, VictoriaPobigay, Ganna2010-06-022010-06-022009Nigmatullin R. Development of Antimicrobial Membranes via the Surface Tethering of Chitosan / R. Nigmatullin, V. Konovalova, G. Pobigay // Journal of Applied Polymer Science / Springer Netherlands. - 2009. - Vol. 111. - P. 1698-1705. render the surface of ultrafiltration membranes biocidal, cellulose membranes were modified with chitosan, a naturally occurring polycationic biocide. Through the use of chitosans of different molecular weights and membranes with different pore sizes, the alteration of the morphological structure of tethered chitosan layers was achieved. The importance of such structural differences in the antimicrobial activity of the prepared membranes against gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and gram-negative Escherichia coli was studied. The antimicrobial efficiency improved with the use of chitosans with higher molecular weights and membranes with smaller pore sizes. This suggested that the surface location of the grafted chitosan chains was more preferential for a higher antimicrobial activity of the surface. Membranes modified with chitosan showed higher antimicrobial efficiency against gram-positive S. aureus than against gramnegative E. coli.enbiological applications of polymersbiopolymersmembranesmodificationsurfacesбіополімеримембранихіміяchemistryDevelopment of Antimicrobial Membranes via the Surface Tethering of ChitosanArticle