Nezhyvenko, Oksana2016-07-052016-07-052016Nezhyvenko O. V. Can We Afford (In)Formal Wages? [electronic resourse] / Oksana Nezhyvenko ; National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, University Paris-Est. - Includes bibliographical references. - Метод доступу : Інтернет. - Назва з екрана. workers are regarded as highly educated and skilled, entrepreneurial, hard-working and even able to hold multiple jobs at the same time. Nevertheless, abroad Ukraine is continuously considered to be a poor country, not attractive as a country of work destination from developed economies. This short paper discusses whether informal employment may be a reason for this.ukwagesUkraineInternational Labour OrganizationCan We Afford (In)Formal Wages?Україна в тіні : чи можемо ми дозволити собі (не)офіційні зарплатиArticle