Shlikhta, Natalia2020-06-032020-06-032019Shlikhta N. Adaptability as a Survival Strategy under Communism: Reconsidering the Approach of the Russian Orthodox Church / Natalia Shlikhta // Reliģiski-filozofiski raksti. - 2019. - Vol. XXV. - P. 217-241. is a broad and crucial topic for the Soviet-period history of the Russian Orthodox Church that has not received the scholarly attention that it merits. An important reason for this scholarly neglect is in the highly negative connotation of the very concept, as it was not easy and arguably not right for the Church to adapt to Soviet sociopolitical circumstances. Such a view was formed back in the Soviet era under a combined influence of church opposition’s and Soviet officials’ critique. This paper suggests approaching the issue through contextualizing the Church’s strategy that allows for a more balanced and less value judgment interpretation. Two major contexts are taken into account: of the ecclesiastical tradition and legacy of the Soviet state. Ever since the Great Terror, Soviet power tolerated no opposition and no Other while it employed quite effective methods of the socialization of population.ukRussian Orthodox ChurchSoviet periodStalinismKhrushchev’s antireligious campaignthe Ukrainian Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox ChurcharticleAdaptability as a Survival Strategy under Communism: Reconsidering the Approach of the Russian Orthodox ChurchArticle