Фігурний, Юрій2017-07-192017-07-192017Фігурний Юрій Степанович. Героїчний символ Київської Русі. Рец. на: Конча С. В. Билинний Ілля Муромець: витоки епічного образу. - К. : ВПЦ «Київський університет», 2016. - 560 с. / Фігурний Ю. С. // Магістеріум. - 2017. - Вип. 67 : Археологічні студії. - С. 125-129.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11826The review analyzes S. Koncha’s monograph EPIC ILLIA MUROMETS: ORIGINS OF THE EPIC IMAGE. It researches the prototype of the folk epic hero Illia Muromets. The book consists of the introduction, three parts, conclusions, the list of figures, and the list of literature sources. In the introduction, the author emphasizes the importance of the study of the origins of the epic image of Illia Muromets, noting that Illia Muromets can, without exaggeration, be considered a hero (he is still a folklore character), and he is certainly a heroic symbol of Ukrainian historical past. In order to investigate the origins of the image of Illia Muromets, the author should set the following tasks: determine the nature and extent of the artistic value, the mythological and historical component in the epic; clarify the degree of preservation of historical memory of the past in the epic texts; identify and distinguish the historical, mythological, artistic, and literary components of Illia Muromets in the epics; find out the relation between the epic hero Illia and the character of the Illia of Rus in German sources through a comparative analysis of the plot structure of the epic themes in German works; identify the origins (the historical basis) stories about folk hero Illia; establish a probable prototype of the epic character of Illia Muromets. S. Koncha aptly executed the assigned task. The researcher analyzed the image of the legendary character against the background of historical analogies and parallels in the epic works of different nations; considered insufficiently elucidated and controversial issues in general epics and the epics of the Kyiv cycle in particular; traced mythological, literary and historical aspects of epics; confirmed the concept according to which the epic scenes represent the events of Kyivan Rus (the 10–13th centuries), and proved that the image of the ancient epic character known today as Illia Muromets was formed based on the songs and legends about the outstanding and mysterious personality, the founder of the first ancient Ukrainian state of Rus-Ukraine, the first Grand Prince Oleg the Prophet.ukГероїчний символ Київської Русі. Рец. на: Конча С. В. Билинний Ілля Муромець: витоки епічного образу. - К. : ВПЦ «Київський університет», 2016. - 560 с.: [рецензія]Heroic Symbol of Kyiv Rus. Review of the Monograph Epic Illia Muromets: Origins of the Epic Image by S. KonchaOther