Кобченко, Наталія2018-11-052018-11-052018Кобченко Н. В. Граматична природа опосередкованого синтаксичного зв'язку в структурі простого речення / Наталя Кобченко // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Мовознавство. - 2018. - Т. 1. - С. 18-26.2617-2615https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14608https://doi.org/10.18523/2616-8502.2018.18-26Статтю присвячено висвітленню особливостей синтаксичного зв’язку в реченнях з уточнювальними компонентами. Обґрунтовано підрядну природу опосередкованого синтаксичного зв’язку, реалізованого між уточнюваною одиницею, її синтаксичною домінантою та уточнювальним компонентом. Окреслено диференційні риси опосередкованого та напівпредикативного синтаксичних зв’язків. З’ясовано статус опосередкованого підрядного зв’язку на шкалі "одиничність – подвійність" та схарактеризовано техніку його оформлення.Background. The problem of grammatical peculiarity of syntactic connection in sentences with explanatory semantic-syntactic relations has still not been solved. Various linguists qualify the syntactic connection between specified component and its specifier in different ways, namely as hypotaxis, parataxis, syncretic hypotaxis-parataxis or parataxis-hypotaxis, special syntactic connection – “explanatory”, especial syntactic meaning, which is the result of redistribution of syntactic connections in the structure of simple sentence. Purpose. The purpose of the analysis is to prove syntactic dependencies between components of threemembers constructions formed by indirect syntactic connection in the structure of simple sentence and to determine directions of these dependences. Methods. The theoretical-methodological base of the research is the complex analysis of a sentence on the communicative, semantic-syntactic, and formal-syntactic levels, and, according to this, the qualification of the syntactic connection as the mediated by the semantic-syntactic level formal reflection of real connections between real things in the environment. We use some special methods also, namely: constituent analysis, analysis by the terms of dependence and elements of derivational analysis. Results. Arrangement of indirect syntactic connection in the structure of simple sentence contains three lines of subordination. Two of them extend from main component to specified component and its specifier and one of them extends from specified component to its specifier. Connection between specified component and its specifier has two hypotaxis features (clear distinction to main component and dependent component, duplication of main component’s morphological characteristics by dependent component) and one parataxis feature (belonging of specified component and its specifier to the same categorical word class). Simultaneously, this connection has peculiarities that contradict the parataxis nature, namely: specified component and its specifier are correlated with the same denotatum; there are explanatory semantic-syntactic relations, that do not correlate with parataxis, between them; they are not co-subordinate to the third component. Discussion. The indirect syntactic connection may be interpreted as hypotaxis according to a set of its peculiarities. Its nature may be double or transitional between single and double depending on functionalcategorical nature of combining components. The prospective of our study is to research other spheres of realization of double syntactic connection.ukподвійний синтаксичний зв’язокопосередкований синтаксичний зв’язоксинтаксична трійкакореляціяапозиціяперехідністьстаттяdouble syntactic connectionindirect syntactic connectionheard-word-coordinationsyntactic tripletappositiontransitivityГраматична природа опосередкованого синтаксичного зв'язку в структурі простого реченняGrammatical peculiarity of indirect syntactic connection in the structure of simple sentenceArticle