Posudin, Yuriy2010-11-232010-11-232010-11-23https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/885The focus of this review is on examination of sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air, their concentration, rate of emission and effects of external factors on them, fate and interaction of VOCs with indoor surfaces, materials and products, health effects and toxicity of VOCs, methods of sampling, preconcentration and analysis of VOCs, technology of sick building syndrome prevention and control, investigation of main problems of phytoremediation of indoor air, particularly substantial variation among plant species in the rate and type of VOCs that can be removed, uptake and transport VOCs in phytoremediation systems, principal mechanisms of detoxification of VOCs in ornamental plants.У центрі уваги цього огляду знаходиться аналіз джерел летких органічних сполук (ЛОС) в повітрі приміщень.envolatile organic compoundsindoor air qualityлеткі органічні сполукиЛОСVolatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air: Scientific, Medical and Instrumental Aspects : [preprint]Preprint