Zalizniak, Leonid2018-05-022018-05-022017Zalizniak L. L. Mesolithic Origins of the First Indo-European Cultures in Europe According to the Archaeological Data / Leonid L. Zalizniak // Ukrainian Archaeology : selected papers from Ukrainian journal Arkheolohiia. - 2017. - [За] 2016. - P. 26-42. article refers to the common Meso-Neolithic basis of Ukrainian ancient Indo-European cultures (Mariupol, Sered- nii Stih) and Central Europe (Funnel Beaker and Globular Amphorae cultures) of the fourth millennium BC. Archaeological materials show that the common cultural and genetic substrate of the earliest Indo-Europeans in Europe was forming from the sixth to the fourth millennia BC due to migration of the Western Baltic Mesolithic population to the east through Poland and Polissia to the Dnipro River middle region and further to the Siverskyi Donets River.enthe Indo-Europeans (hereinafter referred to as IE)Mesolithic substrateBaltic cultural provinceMaglemosian cultureMariupol cultureSerednii Stih cultureFunnel Beaker cultureYamna cultureMesolithic Origins of the First Indo-European Cultures in Europe According to the Archaeological DataArticle