Taranenko, Hanna2021-11-042021-11-042021Taranenko H. H. Trends of Cooperation Between Latin American Countries and Ukraine / Taranenko Anna // Fundamental and applied research in the modern world : abstracts of VII International Scientific and Practical Conference (Boston, USA 17-19 February 2021) / ed. by Komarytskyy M. L.. - Boston : [BoScience Publisher], 2021. - P. 12-15.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/21396There is considerable potential for Ukraine’s cooperation with Latin American countries. Ukraine needs to further strengthen its cooperation with the countries of Latin America and Caribbean Basin, in particular, regional leaders and states with considerable Ukrainian diaspora, such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru. Ukraine also needs to pay attention to international organizations of the region such as OAS, CELAC, PROSUR, MERCOSUR, Pacific Alliance and Latin American Parliament.enUkraineLatin America and Caribbean Basininternational integrationArgentinaBrazilinternational organizationsCELACPROSURMERCOSURPacific Allianceconference materialsTrends of Cooperation Between Latin American Countries and UkraineConference materials