Мейтус, Володимир2017-03-132017-03-132016Мейтус Володимир Юлійович. Рівні інтелекту в інтелектуальних системах / Мейтус В. Ю. // Наукові записки НаУКМА : Комп'ютерні науки. - 2016. - Т. 190. - С. 11-15.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11118The concept of intelligent systems is closely linked with the concept of intelligence. This view shows that one would expect from a system that has the intelligence, what properties of the system should ensure that it has intelligence. Intelligence is seen as the ability of the system, operating in a particular subject area, to simulate the area and to solve it in the tasks assigned to the system. Consequently, the intelligent system is defined by inbuilt algorithms that provide the ability to model and ways to solve tasks. Intelligence levels are determined by these algorithms, starting from 0-level at which the environment model is given, and there are several preset algorithms for solving tasks. In the subsequent levels the complexity of modeling algorithms increases, including the use of information obtained from the environment through the senses which the system is equipped with. At the same time, increases the complexity of the algorithms for solving the tasks. These algorithms are focused on emerging challenges. Together with the algorithms may change the logic and reasoning, moving from classical logic to one of the possible variants of non-classical logics. The most used is the intelligence level 2. This is the quality of the subject which is based on interaction with one or more different incompletely specified subject areas that make up the environment. This quality is presented in a given subject or existing methods of analysis and synthesis of information obtained by means of interaction with the environment and is associated with one or more subject areas by modifying the appropriate models. This allows the subject virtual environment to conceptualize, organize, store, and modify the resulting conceptual idea (intellectual reflection) as their form of cognitive experience, which is used as the subject of its interaction model depending on the environment. Eight consecutive increasingly complex levels of intelligence are proposed in the work. What should be the next level is an open problem.Роботу присвячено дослідженню різних рівнів, у рамках яких можна подати поняття інтелекту. Для своєї діяльності система, наділена інтелектом, має моделювати своє навколишнє середовище, а потім використовувати цю модель для вирішення поставлених перед нею задач. При цьому рівень інтелекту визначається можливостями будувати модель, адекватну навколишньому середовищу, і засобами використання цієї моделі для вирішення в ній задач.ukмоделюваннямодель, інтелектінтелектінтелектуальна системарівень інтелектуmodelingmodelintelligenceintelligentРівні інтелекту в інтелектуальних системахThe Levels of Intelligence in Intelligent SystemsArticle