Pavlenko, OlenaAntonenko, AntonNitsovych, Roman2018-08-172018-08-172015Pavlenko O. War in the Energy Sector as a Second Front / Olena Pavlenko, Anton Antonenko, Roman Nitsovych // The War in Ukraine : Lessons for Europe / ed. Artis Pabriks, Andis Kudors. - Riga, 2015. - P. 91-107. article describes three dimensions of the Ukraine-Russia conflict in the energy sphere. Firstly, the Russian instruments which influence Ukraine by controlling their resource supply; secondly, the fight for a gas transmission system which delivers gas to EU borders. Thirdly, to propose concrete recommendations for Ukraine and the EU countries which may prevent similar “energy wars” in the future.enUkraine-Russia conflictresource supplyenergy sectorwargas transmission systemgasenergy warsEUtransitbook chapterWar in the Energy Sector as a Second Front: [book chapter]Book chapter