Маєвський, О.2016-12-252016-12-251999Маєвський О. Л. Метафізична основа у критичному реалізмі Моріца Шліка / О. Л. Маєвський // Наукові записки НаУКМА : Спецальний випуск. - 1999. - Т. 9, ч. 1 : Спеціальний випуск. - С. 104-110.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10388This article presents an analysis of the early period (1911–1920) of works of one of the founders of modern analytical philosophy, a guiding spirit of the Wiener Kreis Moritz Schlick (1882–1936). In polemic with neo-kantianism and phenomenology from the standpoint of ‘critical realism’, M. Schlick, before the days of Wiener Kreis, represents on the basis of logical empiricism a program of acquiring knowledge as an internally interrelated system of judgments which assert actual existence of relations. The question of ontological status of these relations he had left open, restricting himself to the subject-matter of epistemological inquiry which in its turn was determined by the present state of natural sciences at that time. Leaving aside our certainty of incompatibility in principle of metaphysics and logical positivism, the article is an attempt to present a program of renewal of a general modelling ontology for Schlick’s theory of knowledge. The central category of such an ontology is relation that acquires its significance in what is factual. Also it is shown there, to what extent such an ontology is general and can constitute the basis of some other (meta-)theories which resolved mutual with those in the early Schlick’s epistemology tasks at that time or later.У статті представлено аналіз раннього періоду творчості одного з основоположників сучасної аналітичної філософії, провідника Wiener Kreis Моріца Шліка (1882-1936).ukметафізична основакритичний реалізмМоріц Шлікmetafhysic basiscritical realismMoritz SchlickМетафізична основа у критичному реалізмі Моріца ШлікаMetafhysic basis in critical realism of Moritz ShlickArticle