Нормативні гарантії реалізації права на працю при припиненні трудового договору

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Яцкевич, Іван
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У статті проаналізовано систему юридичних гарантій реалізації особою права на працю на етапі припинення трудового договору. Розглянуто зміст поняття "припинення трудового договору", а також низку ознак юридичних гарантій при припиненні трудового договору, виділено основні види таких гарантій. Зроблено аналіз основних положень проекту Трудового кодексу щодо гарантування права на працю на етапі припинення трудового договору.
The article offers analysis of legal guarantees for implementation of the right to work by a person at the stage of employment contract termination. The author studies the meaning of the concept of "termination of employment contract" and several features of legal guarantees at employment contract termination; provides a classification of the mentioned guarantees. The analysis of the main provisions of the draft of Labor Code regarding guaranteeing the right to work at the stage of employment contract termination. The basis of the research consists of the latest theoretical prerequisites and legislative provisions of the labor law. The fundamental grounds for the right to work guaranteeing at employment contract termination are laid by the Constitution of Ukraine, which reads in Article 43: "citizens are guaranteed protection from unlawful dismissal." According to the Convention on Termination of Employment at the Initiative of the Employer (Entry into force: 23 Nov 1985, ratification 04.Feb.1994; ILO, No 158), the employment of a worker shall not be terminated unless there is a valid reason for such termination connected with the capacity or conduct of the worker or based on the operational requirements of the undertaking, establishment, or service. Doctrine of the Labor Law of Ukraine considers the following features of termination of employment contract procedure: 1) initiated by a party of the contract or other authorised persons: 2) allowed, as a rule, at the grounds provided by law; 3) foresees exercising by workers their social guarantees; 4) it is necessary to assure proper legal formalities, especially in issuing the employer’s order for contract termination and making proper notes to the employment history book. The Draft of Labor Code provides a number of novelties in the sphere of normative regulation of legal guarantees for realization of the right to work at the stage of employment contract termination. A worker whose employment is to be terminated is entitled to a two-month period of notice, unless he/she is guilty of serious misconduct. The notice period may be one month shorter with one month compensation. Generally the LC draft repeats the currently existing guarantees at the termination of employment. The conclusion provides the definition of normative guarantees at termination of the employment contract and defines the main features of legal guarantees in the process of employment contract termination.
юридичні гарантії в трудовому праві, реалізація права на працю, припинення трудового договору, стаття, legal guarantees in labor law, implementation of the right to work, termination of the employment contract
Яцкевич І. І. Нормативні гарантії реалізації права на працю при припиненні трудового договору / Яцкевич І. І. // Наукові записки НаУКМА : Юридичні науки. - 2016. - Т. 181. - С. 128-133.