Концептуальна модель сучасної світової системи суспільств: макросоціологічний підхід

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Хуткий, Дмитро
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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата соціологічних наук за спеціальністю 22.00.01 – теорія та історія соціології. – Інститут соціології Національної академії наук України. – Київ, 2011. У дисертації здійснено розгляд сучасної світової системи суспільств з позицій макросоціологічного підходу із застосуванням системної методології. Вдосконалено концептуальний апарат системного підходу. Виконано послідовний аналіз будови суспільства та уточнено визначення понять його основних складових. Сформульовано поняття світової системи суспільств і окреслено її темпорально-просторові межі. Здійснено теоретичне моделювання сучасної світової системи суспільств у регуляційному та функціональному аспектах аналізу, розроблена цілісна концептуальна модель сучасної світової системи суспільств.
Thesis for Candidate’s Degree in Sociology, specialization 22.00.01 – Theory and History of Sociology. – Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2011. The modern world system of human societies is explored in the dissertation from macrosociological approach with the use of systems methodology. The conceptual apparatus of systems approach is perfected. The constitution of society is analyzed consistently; its major components are better defined. The notion of world system of societies is formulated; its temporal-spatial boundaries are defined. The theoretical modeling of the modern world system of societies in regulational and functional aspects of analysis is accomplished. The integral conceptual model of the modern world system of societies is elaborated. The author compares key modern macrosociological approaches to analysis of the modern world system of societies and argues that the most useful for accomplishment of the stated goal is V.Khmelko’s theory of evolution of society as system of processes. In this theory society is viewed as self-governed social system, consisting of humans, their means of living and all relations between them. The concepts of system, wholeness, system constitution, subsystem, element, system structure, system levels, system boundaries and system environment are specified. The author elaborates a typology of systems by criteria of size, variety, complexity, flexibility, wholeness and intrasystem autonomy. A classification of systems in two aspects is developed too. Society is analyzed in regulational and functional aspects. Constitution of society in these aspects is revealed. The eight functional spheres of society are decomposed – functional spheres: of reproduction of humans, of reproduction of means of living, of reproduction of social relations concerning reproduction of humans, of reproduction of social relations concerning reproduction of means of living, of reproduction of essential elements of biophysical environment, of reproduction of essential relations between elements of social environment. Different approaches to study of world system of societies, including macrosociology and world-systems analysis are compared. The author comes to conclusion that the most adequate approach to modeling of world system of societies considering its wholeness as a system and systems qualities of societies is macrosociological approach. The world system of societies is conceptualized as selfregulated system of societies consisting of all societies and all relations between them. Different views on specification of temporal-spatial boundaries of the modern world system of societies are discussed. The author comes to conclusion that its temporal boundaries spread from 1992 to 2011 year and spatial boundaries are limited by the planet Earth. Various approaches to selection of aspects of analysis of world system of societies are analyzed. The author argues that it is reasonable to view the world system of societies in the regulational and functional aspects of analysis. It is proved that associations of societies are subsystems and societies are elements of the world system of societies in regulational aspect of analysis. The author conducts decomposition of the world system of societies in functional aspect of analysis and distinguishes six functional spheres of self-reproduction of the world system of societies: reproduction of humans, reproduction of means of subsistence, reproduction of social relations concerning reproduction of humans, reproduction of social relations concerning reproduction of means of subsistence, reproduction of essential elements of biophysical environment, reproduction of essential relations between elements of social environment. The author demonstrates that the most relevant levels of analysis of the modern world system of societies are local (subsocietal), societal, regional (supersocietal), and global. Four types of components are the most adequate for analysis of the modern world system of societies: first-level subsystems of societies, transsocietal social systems, societies, and associations of societies. As a result of comparative analysis of the two aspects of the modern world system of societies four types of relations between its components were specified: intrasocietal, transocietal, societal, and intersocietal relations. In general the author elaborates a coherent conceptual model of the modern world system of societies and opens possibilities for the subsequent more detailed conceptual and computational modeling in the two aspects and on the four levels of analysis.
суспільство, сучасна світова система суспільств, світ-система, концептуальна модель сучасної світової системи суспільств, дисертація
Хуткий Д. О. Концептуальна модель сучасної світової системи суспільств: макросоціологічний підхід. Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата соціологічних наук / Д. О. Хуткий. – К., 2011. – 180 с.