Impact Of Leadership Potential On Change Potential

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Ignatiеva, Iryna
Babina, Elena
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The current paper puts forward the following hypothesis: leadership potential is the key to the effectiveness of changes taking place within business structures to ensure their functioning in the markets. In this context, we conducted research on leadership potential of the business structures operating in Ukraine. The following objectives have been specified: 1) to analyze and evaluate the development of leadership potential at Ukrainian enterprises and develop its regulation; 2) to provide tools for the enterprise change assessment in the dynamics by means of leadership potential. Fifteen enterprises of the textile industry of Ukraine have been involved in the research. We have based our analysis on a random sample of 300 respondents. The analysis of the dominance of the activated Change Management System conducted on basis of Resultant Leadership has revealed that leadership potential is the key factor for change. It establishes an integrated connection between all subsystems of the enterprise potential to be subject to change. Our research suggests that leadership potential is a socio-psychological characteristic of a person that reflects the individual's ability to successfully lead a situation. The level of leadership potential determines the application of other functional potentials of the business structure. The findings of the study were introduced to five Ukrainian enterprises. The current research is of practical importance for various industries and the state as a whole.
leadership, enterprise potential, leadership potential, change potential, article
Ignatiеva I. Impact Of Leadership Potential On Change Potential [electronic resource] / Iryna Ignatiеva, Elena Babina // Modern Science — Moderní věda. - 2019. - № 5. - P. 19-30.