Рождаемость по очередностям рождения: экономические и социокультурные детерминанты динамики и территориальных различий

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Курило, Ирина
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Материал выступления на Международной научно-практической конференции "Creşterea economică оn condiţiile globalizării: competitivitate, inovativitate, sustenabilitate", 11-12 октября 2018 г.
The article is aimed to consider the factors of parity-specific fertility in Ukraine and other European countries over 50 year period. It presents the characteristics of the long-term dynamics of total fertility by birth order. The relative lack of economic factors’ effect on the dynamics of the fertility by the first order in Ukraine is substantiated. It establishes that the greatest distinctions between the former socialist and the developed countries were observed in the indicators of the fertility by the third order. The method of time series decomposition were applied to total fertility by birth order to reveal the degree of influence of periodic economic shocks (crisis phenomena) and pro-natalist policies on the dynamics of fertility. The article shows that it is the socio-cultural dynamics that underlies the long-term trends of the fertility dynamics and the number of children in families in a particular society.
рождаемость по очередностям рождения, динамика рождаемости, декомпозиция временных рядов, региональные различия рождаемости по очередностям рождения, экономические факторы рождаемости, социальные и культурные детерминанты, демографическая политика, материалы конференции, fertility by birth order, dynamics of fertility, time series decomposition, regional differences of fertility by birth order, economic factors of fertility, social and cultural determinants, demographic policy
Курило И. А. Рождаемость по очередностям рождения: экономические и социокультурные детерминанты динамики и территориальных различий / Курило И., Галица О. // Conferința Internațională Ştiinţifico-Practică "Creşterea economică оn condiţiile globalizării: competitivitate, inovativitate, sustenabilitate". Sesiunea științifică "Transformări demografice și priorități de politici", Ediția a XIII-a, 11-12 octombrie. - Chișinău, 2018. - S. 98-105.