Давньоруський і золотоординський горизонти середньовічного Вишгорода (за матеріалами розкопок 1947 р.)

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Капустін, Кирило
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Проаналізовано матеріали розкопок Вишгорода 1947р., уточнено хронологічну позицію житлових і господарських споруд, а також речових знахідок, які належать до давньоруського і золотоординського горизонтів літописного міста.
Materials of the excavations at Vyshhorod in 1947 are analysed in the article. Materials collected during the excavations confirmed the existence of Kyiv Rus and Golden Horde horizons on the territory of the city (the objects of both periods were found at the hillfort, while the Kyiv Rus period buildings are traced in the suburbs of the city). In addition, the author clarified and re-examined the allegations established in the mid - 20th century of the existence the production workshops in this part of the city. The scholars of the mid - 20th century interpreted the excavated objects as metallurgical and pottery furnaces, or iron workshops. In the author’s opinion, those objects were dwellings and outbuildings. As we can see, different archaeological objects were investigated on the territory of Vyshhorod. The author can prove that some grounds and structures with recessed pits are dated by the end of the 10th and the 11th centuries (Building 3), some dated by the end of the 11th and the 12th centuries (Building 1, Blotch 2 and 3), and a few are dated by the second half of the 13th and the 14th centuries. (Buildings No. 5 and No. 6). Besides, some objects are dated widely from the 11th to the 13th centuries (Building 2, Pit 1 and 2). On the territory of the suburbs, a ground-based dwelling with a cellar (Building 7) of the Kyiv Rus period was excavated, as well as another object identified as an outbuilding with recessed pits (10th-12th centuries) which was destroyed by the burial grounds of the New Age.
Вишгород, городище, посад, X-XIII ст., золотоординський час, матеріальна культура, стаття, Vyshhorod, hillfort, suburbs, 10-13 centuries, Golden Horde period, material culture
Капустін К. М. Давньоруський і золотоординський горизонти середньовічного Вишгорода (за матеріалами розкопок 1947 р.) / К. М. Капустін // Археологія і давня історія України / гол. ред. С. А. Скорий. - Київ: Ін-т археології НАН України, 2018. - Вип. 3 (28). - С. 147-158.