Неолітизація України. Від "східного імпульсу" до "балканізації"

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У статті розглянуто проблему радикальної зміни концепцій неолітизації території України, що сталася на початку третього тисячоліття. У другій половині ХХ ст. вважали, що перехід до відтворювального господарства на території України відбувся внаслідок приходу з Прикаспія та Передкавказзя найдавніших скотарських племен кукрекської археологічної культури. В наші дні все більше дослідників схиляються до думки, що відтворювальне господарство на південний захід України, як і в Центральну Європу, принесли неолітичні мігранти з Подунав’я та Балкан - людність культур Криш, лінійно-стрічкової кераміки, Кукутені-Трипілля.
The modern state of archaeological sources from the Neolithic of Ukraine contradicts to popular in the end of the 20th century statement about local domestication of the oldest domestic animals (sheep, goat, bull) and cultural plants (wheat, barley, pea). Numerous facts convincingly testify to on their domesticating on Near East with the following distribution through the Balkans and Danube region to Central-East Europe, including Right-Bank Ukraine. The south-east version of neolithization of Ukraine, which was well-known in the second half of the 20th century under the name of “eastern stock breeding impulse”, was not confirmed. On the other hand, there are numerous archaeological, paleozoological and paleobotanic data testifying to the south-western variant of neolithization of Ukraine. The food-production economy came to the territory of Ukraine by the same way as in Central Europe, from the Balkan Peninsula through the Danube basin at the end the 7th - 5th mil. BC (cal.). It happened in the mode of “balkanization” due to five main waves of Neolithic farmers-colonists which rolled from the Danube region to the Right Bank Ukraine from the end of the 7th millennium BC (саl.): 1) Naval; 2) Hrebeniky (the end of the 7thI mil. BC); 3) Crish - Koresh (the first half of the 6th mil. BC); 4) Linear Pottery (the second half of the 6th mil. BC); 5) Kukuteny-Tripillya (the 5th mil. BC). The oldest Bug-Dniester Neolithic culture of Ukraine arose on the autochthonic Kukrek culture base under the Crish culture influences at the middle of the 6th mil. BC. The oldest reliable traces of productive economy in Ukraine traced in the materials of the Keresh culture in Zakarpattia region (the first part of the 6th mil. BC (cal.)) and the Linear Pottery cultures of Volhynia and Dnister region (the second half of the 6th mil. BC (cal.)). Right-Bank Ukraine had been definitively neolithizated in the 5th mil. BC (cal.) by population of the Cucuteni-Trypillia culture arriving to Neolithic of Ukraine from south-west. The Bug-Dnister culture developed under the Crish culture influence from Moldova territory between the Middle Dnister and the South Bug Rivers in the middle of the 6th mil. BC (cal.). Passed by the new migration waves of the farmers from the Danube region (Linear Band Pottery and Cucuteny-Tripillia). The Bug-Dnister culture bearers moved aside in the north-east direction to Kyiv and Cherkasy Dnieper region, where the Dnieper-Donets culture appeared at the end of the 6th mil. BC (cal.). The historical value of the Trypillia culture for Prehistory of Ukraine is in the final victory of production economy on the Dnieper’s right bank first, and later, on the south of Left-Bank Ukraine. In fact, the population of the Black Sea steppe region, the Sea of Azov and Donbas regions are certain to have obtained the first skills of cattle breeding and agriculture from the Trypillya culture in the 5th-4th mil. BC (cal.). These Neolithic innovations from Trypillya to steppe Eneolithic of the Black and Azov Seas regions were provided by so-called "steppe Trypillia", known by the burials of "zhyvotilov- vovcha type". Consequently, Neolithic of Ukraine is not an exception from the whole-European context. Right- Bank Ukraine was neolithizated synchronously with Central Europe as a result of colonization by the oldest farmers-colonists from the Danube region in the 6th-5th millennia BC (cal.). Later Neolithic innovations from Right-Bank Ukraine spread northward to Polissya lowland and to the east and southeast of Ukraine. Аt the beginning of the 21st century, there was a change of conceptions of neolithization of the region in archaeology of Ukraine. The old south-east conception was replaced with south-western one which corresponds to the general-European vision of the Neolithic revolution in Central Europe by its colonization in the 6th-5th millennia BC (cal.) by the Neolithic farmers from Balkans through the Danube region.
неоліт, відтворювальне господарство, культури Гребеники, Криш, буго-дністровська, лінійно-стрічкової кераміки, Трипілля, докерамічний неоліт, стаття, Neolithic of Ukraine, productive economy, cultures, Grebeniky, Crish, Bugo-Dnister, Linear Pottery, Trypillya, aceramic Neolithic
Залізняк Л. Л. Неолітизація України. Від "східного імпульсу" до "балканізації" / Залізняк Л. Л. // Магістеріум. Археологічні студії. - 2018. - Вип. 70. - С. 4-16.