Питання продуктового забезпечення скіфського городища Северинівка за результатами остеологічного аналізу матеріалу з розкопок 2015 року

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Кублій, Михайло
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Статтю присвячено аналізу остеологічних решток з розкопок 2015 року городища скіфського часу поблизу с. Северинівка на Поділлі. Дослідження фауністичних решток проведено з метою ви- значення видового і породистого складу стада городища. Визначено роль мисливства в господар- стві мешканців пам’ятки, а також місце кожного виду в забезпеченні городища м’ясними продуктами.
This article offers an analysis of the osteological material that was found in Severynivka in 2015. In the whole, we have researched 1,454 fragments of bones, only 887 of which have been defined. The material provides an evidence to infer two factors: what kind of provision domestic animals ate and what kind of animal meat people consumed. It was discovered that horses’ and cows’ teeth had hypoplasia. It proves that in the young period of life they did not have enough food. Small cattle and pigs did not have hypoplasia. It can be explained by the facts that small cattle needed less provision, and they could graze on the same territories where horses and cows had been grazing before. Also goats could graze in forests. Pigs as omnivorous could eat various food, including acorns from the forest. It means that there was a great amount of forests around the settlement. Also the number of young animals points on the lack of provision. The dissemination of bones shows that they were the kitchen remains. Only horses are an exception. The breeds of horses were various. A herd of horses included thin legged and middle legged animals. Their height reached about 130 to 136.6 cm. Except for the dog bones, sometimes there could be recognized marks of the dog teeth on other animal bones. The greatest amount of bones belonged to cows. The next positions took small cattle, horses, domestic pigs, wild boars, dogs, beavers and deer. It is possible to assume that an average cow gave 150 kg of meat, sheep and goat – 20 kg, horse – 122 kg, domestic pig – 80 kg, deer – 125 kg, and wild boar – 125 kg. Therefore cows were the main meat animals in Severynivka settlement.
порода, продуктове забезпечення, мисливство, тваринництво, остеологія, breed, food provision, hunting, animal husbandry, osteology
Кублій Михайло Васильович. Питання продуктового забезпечення скіфського городища Северинівка за результатами остеологічного аналізу матеріалу з розкопок 2015 року / Кублій М. В. // Магістеріум. - 2017. - Вип. 67 : Археологічні студії. - С. 85-88.