Співвідношення істинного та хибного у мові та мовленні (на матеріалі "Логіки смислу" Ж. Дельоза)

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Песоцька, Д.
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У статті розглянуто відносини між істинним та хибним як взаємозумовлені, внаслідок чого виявляється неможливим формувати істинні вираження поза заданими умовами чи правилами в межах будь-якої дисципліни.
The standpoint of contemporary philosophers who belong to postmodern and post-structuralist schools (G. Deleuze, J. Lacan, M. Foucault) is that correlation between the true and the lie is imbedded in the very structure of the language and classic thought. Their basis is the opposition principle that divided existence into inner and outer (existence and non-existence). As a result certain foundations are formed to establish relations of synthesis between the true, the essence/sense and the instance of being itself which are reckoned as ideal objectivity and the true itself is determined as sense-guiding ontological category. The ontological plan of lie is symmetrically considered as alternative to true. According to postmodernists’ views such interdependence of the true and the lie does not allow to form true expressions beyond the pre-set conditions or rules within the boundaries of certain discipline. As a result of contradiction principle ceasing to be applied in the signification, the former relations of inter-negation between true and lie that were expressed in the denotation only externally, are now transformed into concealed, inner, co-present relation between true and lie as ontologic significatives. The conjunctive relation of true to lie and lie to true in signification turns the former symmetric form of their relations into asymmetric, the true conceives itself and becomes a measure of lie, whereas the lie as an «absent» element may be determined only in the terms of true. Its «presence» can be revealed as a result of contradiction that indicates the principal reconcilable impossibility, incompatibility to the parameters of common and generally valid sense. However, function of lie as ontologic significative has double and contradictory nature: it is simultaneously both an "absence" and "abundance". Hence it is the abundance of lie/simulacrum which is a positivity that allows lie to self-manifest beyond its «seizure» by true.
truth, lie, denotation, manifestation, signification, simulacrum, difference, істинне, хибне, денотація, маніфестація, сигніфікація, симулякр, розрізнення
Песоцька Д. Л. Співвідношення істинного та хибного у мові та мовленні (на матеріалі "Логіки смислу" Ж. Дельоза) / Песоцька Д. Л. // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць. - 2016. - Вип. 2. - С. 320-330.