Ідеографічне класифікування дієслів переміщення сучасної української літературної мови

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Середницька, Анна
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У статті описано принципи ідеографічної класифікації лексико-семантичного поля дієслів переміщення сучасної української літературної мови.
The paper examines the main examples of modern conceptual dictionaries, principles of building conceptual models of thesaurus and ways of their verbalization. Every national language has its unique perspective of the world. The language can affect how human perceive the world, because each language has unique logical rules, concepts, grammar, syntax, specific semantic of lexical units and formatives. Language conceptualization can be represented with conceptual dictionary (also ideographic or ideological dictionary), which groups words by concepts and semantic relation instead of arranging them in alphabetical order. The article describes design principles of а conceptual dictionary of Ukrainian verbs of motion, which reconstructs the national conceptualisation of the surrounding world. The conceptual model of thesaurus contains 56 concepts, which describe temporary, spatial notions and other different circumstances of motion, features of movable subject, manner of motion, characteristics of a surface or surrounding of motion subjects. The conceptual model represented linguistics world image, which is smaller than the conceptual one, but more detailed and has anthropocentric, naive, everyday features. Lexico-semantic variants that manifest some relevant components become lexical representatives of national specific concept. They have been grouped together according to similarity of meaning into vocabulary entries. Lexico-semantic variants have been integrated in synonymic and antonymic rows, word formation groups. The conceptual dictionary of motion verbs integrates information about lexicological relations and presents the motion verbs like a lexical system. The research results can be used in some fields of linguistic theory and practice: in forming of language for automatic semantic analysis and synthesis; in creation of conceptual dictionaries; in resorting of Ukrainian national language conceptualisation of the surrounding world.
дієслова переміщення, лексико-семантичне поле, ідеографічний словник, концепт, ideographic dictionary, concept, verbs of motion, semantic field
Середницька А. Я. Ідеографічне класифікування дієслів переміщення сучасної української літературної мови / Середницька А. Я. // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць. - 2016. - Вип. 2. - С. 390-399.